
Resilience Deserves Our Attention

Resilience is the one thing that keeps our life's engine working optimally. Resilience is often hurt by stress, depression, anxiety, and other common conditions. This we all know, as everyone at some point in life, has faced the challenges posed by low levels of resilience. We have good news to share! You can improve and strengthen your resilience. It can be built taller and stronger as a defense against the slings and arrows of life. On this page you will find multiple educational resources, and we invite you to review them and find your own pearls of knowledge and wisdom. Resilience enhancement is a critical need for everyone and it is worth putting the time and effort into its improvement.

Resilience Building & Enhancencing Wellness

Here is a recent presentation we put together to offer a comprehensive examination of the resilience literature, and the means to enhance it with targeted interventions. We hope this benefits you and those whose lives you touch.

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Resilience and Wellness in Clinicians

Being a clinician is hard work and burnout is often the result of stress induced reduction in resilience and wellness. We have examined this issue in depth and have created a resource examining the extent of this problem. We offer suggestions on how to increase resilience and wellness in clinicians.

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Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and resilience are deeply intertwined. PNI helps explain so much about our mind-body health. It shows how our mind is connected to our immune system and our endocrine system, and in particular the production of cortisol. We have spent the better part of a decade trying to understand these connections and to discover applications for the emerging PNI knowledge in our clinical practice. Feel free to download this comprehensive resource on PNI. We hope you find it of interest and helpful in your clinical work.

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Double Trouble is how we think of insomnia. It causes so much grief and suffering. The 'double trouble' part is because it so often accompanies other psychiatric conditions and physical disorders. We created this presentation to educate professionals about the neurobiology of insomnia.

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Stress is a fact of life. But prolonged, significant stress is so damaging to us in every way imaginable. We did a deep dive into the resilience literature and leveraged our combined 60 years of clinical experience and created this resource for all of us.

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Can Interventions Improve Resilience Quickly? Answer - An Enthusiastic Yes!

Resilience is highly improvable and with thoughtful interventions this can occur fairly quickly. Here you see the results of a 30-day intervention we researched in 82 individuals that all reported a known psychiatric disorder. As you can see, the WILD 5 Wellness intervention produced improvements in multiple facets of human mental wellness - with a 63% improvement in self-reported resilience in just 30 days. Read more.

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